Women of stones and their treasures
gemstones, healing, crystals Alex Reszelska gemstones, healing, crystals Alex Reszelska

Women of stones and their treasures

Throughout history, jewellery has served as a tangible expression of the divine feminine, the goddess, highlighting the qualities of beauty, fertility and strength. The necklace – the most ubiquitous of all bodily adornments – is a direct reference to the goddess energy. Its circular feature signifies the unity of the world, its cyclical nature and the loop of constant change, while the beads of precious stones or pearls represent the particular flavour of life, as well as its diversity and multiplicity.

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Embracing gentle living
gemstones, healing, crystals Alex Reszelska gemstones, healing, crystals Alex Reszelska

Embracing gentle living

Discover the essence of soft living through Japanese-inspired wisdom. We explain the concepts like wabi-sabi, omoiyari and shinrin-yoku, which can help to find balance, embrace imperfections and create more space for pause. Which of these timeless teachings from Japan will you love the most?

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Make 2024 the year of your dreams 
gemstones, healing, crystals Alex Reszelska gemstones, healing, crystals Alex Reszelska

Make 2024 the year of your dreams 

Typically, January is the month of formulating resolutions and an omnipresent drive for change. But energetically, astrologically - and even in the commonsensical way - the 1st of January does not magically open a portal of transformation. Most of us have finished the year barely breathing, so how can we be ready for new beginnings?

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Crystals for empaths
gemstones, healing, crystals Alex Reszelska gemstones, healing, crystals Alex Reszelska

Crystals for empaths

Empaths and Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) are those among us with an elevated level of emotional and sensory sensitivity. This can be a beautiful thing as it helps empaths to stay deeply connected to their humanity. Yet, being so attuned to the energy around can turn anyone into an emotional sponge. That’s why it’s beneficial to explore the mystic power of crystals. Read more…

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Kaleidoscopic dreams - the secrets of opals

Kaleidoscopic dreams - the secrets of opals

Loved by ancient civilisations and banned in the Middle Ages due to superstition and misconceptions, opals have been seeing a renaissance recently. Pink, kaleidoscopic or dark - they come in different colours and textures, with the prevailing energy of peace, love and tranquillity. Read more

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Keshi pearls - nature’s mysterious creations

Keshi pearls - nature’s mysterious creations

In the enchanting world of jewellery, pearls hold a special place as nature's finest gems. Among these, Keshi pearls stand as intriguing enigmas. Despite their rebellious nature and ambiguous classification, Keshi pearls exude an imperfect charm that adds mystery to any look, equally suitable for both aesthetic minimalists and maximalists.

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Crystal healing

Crystal healing

Throughout history, various cultures have cherished crystals for their perceived healing abilities and metaphysical properties. The Egyptians would grind up malachite and use it as eye makeup, while the Greeks would use amethyst to ward off drunkenness.

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Every Yasashi piece has a history — from the energy of the gemstone to the meaning it brings to the wearer. We design each of our collections with the intention of creating pieces that will accompany you on your daily adventures, with minimal waste and minimal carbon footprint. Our jewellery is handmade in a small studio in Bulli, NSW, located on the proud Dharawal Country. The gemstones we use are sourced from all over the world, mostly India and Australia.