From emotional healing to igniting creativity and spiritual awakening, opals’ enigmatic aura always beckons to dig deeper.

Opals have a captivating history that dates back thousands of years. The name "opal" is believed to have originated from the Sanskrit word "upala," which means "precious stone." Ancient civilisations revered opals for their mystical and otherworldly appearance, attributing them with magical powers and divine origins.

The first recorded discovery of opals can be traced to ancient civilisations such as the Babylonians and Greeks, who were in awe of their kaleidoscopic colours. The ancient Romans considered opals a symbol of love and hope, associating them with purity and innocence.

However, during the Middle Ages, opals faced a period of superstition and misconceptions. They were often considered bad luck due to their flashes of colour, which some believed resembled the "evil eye." As a result, opals were associated with negative energies, and their popularity waned for a time.

The renaissance of opals

The Renaissance marked a resurgence in opal's popularity as explorers and traders brought these precious gems from far-flung regions. Queen Elizabeth I of England, an avid opal enthusiast, played a pivotal role in reviving opals' status as a symbol of luxury and prestige. Her fondness for opals led to a surge in demand for the gemstone across Europe's aristocracy.

Opals come in various types, each distinguished by its colour play and origin. The three prominent varieties are Ethiopian opals, Australian opals, and Peruvian pink opals.

Peruvian pink opal

Light pink opals, also known as Peruvian opals, captivate with their delicate pink hues and subtle play of colours. They are mainly sourced from the Andes mountains in Peru. These opals are cherished for their soothing and calming energy, making them popular choices for jewellery pieces with a touch of elegance.

Pink opal is one of the rarer opal colours, as only a few nations produce the gemstone. Beyond Peru, Mexico produces beautiful pink opals from Durango, and the US mines pink opals in Idaho and Oregon.

In ancient Egypt, before the pharaoh would begin constructing a temple or a tomb or begin a conquest, he would be adorned with a pink opal crown. Egyptians called pink opal the “Hope Stone,” so decorating the pharaoh with it was a way to wish him luck and show faith in his efforts.

Pink opal played a part in ancient Roman politics as well. Romans thought pink opal benefits balanced or neutralised emotions, so political leaders wore pink opal jewellery to ensure romantic relationships wouldn’t get in the way of political proceedings.

Over in the West, Indigenous tribes in the Americas held pink opal with sacred reverence. Cherokee tribes of North America honoured pink opal as one of their seven sacred gemstones. Inca tribes in South America used pink opal to communicate with deities or spirits, particularly the Mother Goddess, Pachamama.

Ethiopian Opals

Ethiopian opals are known for their captivating fire and vibrant colour play. These opals often display flashes of red, green, blue and yellow, creating a fascinating dance of hues. Mined mainly in Ethiopia's Wollo Province, these opals are relatively new to the gem market but have quickly gained popularity due to their brilliant and intense colour patterns.

Australian Opals

Australia is renowned as the primary source of opals, producing about 95% of the world's supply. Australian opals display various colours and patterns, making each gemstone a unique work of art. The famous black opals, found in Lightning Ridge, New South Wales, are the rarest and most valuable among Australian opals due to their dark body tone and vibrant spectral colours. Other notable Australian opal fields include Coober Pedy, Andamooka and Mintabie.


Healing properties of pink opal

Pink opal is known for its calming and soothing energy, making it an excellent stone for emotional healing. It helps to release emotional blockages and promote tranquillity, peace and love. 

It is also strongly associated with the heart chakra, the centre of love and emotional balance. When the heart chakra is open, it enables one to experience love and empathy towards themselves and others. Pink opal's energy is thought to activate and cleanse the heart chakra, fostering emotional healing and enhancing one's capacity to give and receive love.

In addition to its spiritual attributes, pink opal has long been believed to have potent physical healing properties. It is often associated with ailments related to the heart and lungs, supporting the respiratory system and alleviating breathing issues. Moreover, its calming energy may help reduce stress and promote overall well-being.


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