Crystals for empaths

Empaths and Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) are those among us with an elevated level of emotional and sensory sensitivity.

This can be a beautiful thing as it helps empaths to stay deeply connected to their humanity, feel the emotions of others and form deep bonds with them, helping to spread love, positive energy and healing. The world needs empaths and HSPs.

However, being so attuned to the energy floating around can turn anyone into an emotional sponge, in which external forces dictate your feelings to the point where they’re hard to control.

Supporting highly sensitive people in maintaining a healthy balance and protecting them from an energetic overload is not an easy fix. It requires psychological and energetic work and includes plenty of rest and boundary-setting.

However, for the energetically vulnerable, it’s also beneficial to explore the mystic power of crystals.

Crystals are millions of years old, forged during the earliest part of the earth’s formation. For many, they’re the perfect intersection of science and mysticism. Scientifically, crystals are the most orderly structure in nature, as they have the lowest amount of entropy - lack of order. Our ancestors intuitively knew that these beautifully coloured rock formations were pretty powerful; that’s why they used them for burial rites, divination practices, healing rituals, spiritual advancement, and even simply as decoration to connote power.

All crystals are unique and powerful. But some are just perfect for energy support, protection and aura healing.

Best gemstones to support gentle people


A calm warrior

Considered the stone of serenity, peace and emotional healing, it evokes the purity of crystal blue waters and the feeling of calm that the sea brings. It also helps to achieve clarity of thought and communication, dissolving self-defeating thoughts and supporting courage and self-expression.

Chakras: Throat, Third Eye, aligns all


The intuitive enhancer

A stone of inner strength and personal growth, moonstone enhances intuition and good fortune. For empaths, it can strengthen the aura, making it less susceptible to negative energies. Moonstone’s gentle, feminine energy can promote emotional wellbeing.

Chakras: Crown, third eye and heart

Peach moonstone choker

Pink opal

The emotional balancer

Very rare, as sourced only from the mountains of Peru, pink opals are gentle but powerful healers of the emotional body, repairing its connection to the heart, balancing emotions, soothing anxiety and painful memories and adding sweetness to your life.

Chakras: Heart, higher heart, spleen, alta major


The abundant flow

A stone associated with the energetic power centre of the body, citrine citrine is focused on prosperity, joy and energy. It is believed to catapult a person into a leadership role, making things happen in business. Associated with creativity and wealth, citrine can assist with standing firmly within your power, limiting self-doubt and establishing healthy boundaries in every area of your life.

Chakras: Solar plexus and sacral 


The mystic’s stone

Labradorite is a mystical crystal that enhances intuitive abilities and strengthens the aura. For empaths, this stone can be particularly valuable in creating a shield against negative influences while amplifying their innate gifts. It’s like a cloak of invisibility that guards against emotional drain.

Chakras: Throat and third eye 


The cleansing beam

Selenite is renowned for its purifying and cleansing properties. It is associated with the crown chakrawhich involves higher consciousness, manifestation and creative energy. Highly sensitive people and empaths can use selenite to clear their aura from any lingering negative energy, restoring a sense of balance and tranquillity. 

Chakras: Crown

Black spinel

The protective energiser

Spinel is a stone of revitalisation. It can stimulate any of the chakras, as well as the meridian system, bringing fresh energy where it is most needed. 

Chakras: balances all, especially root 


Make 2024 the year of your dreams 


Kaleidoscopic dreams - the secrets of opals