Make 2024 the year of your dreams 

The power of ritual turns the mundane into the revered

Typically, January is the month of formulating resolutions and an omnipresent drive for change. But energetically, astrologically and even in the commonsensical way the 1st of January does not magically open a portal of transformation. Most of us have finished the year barely breathing, so how can we be ready for new beginnings?

Rather than stressing out about the "new year, new me" paradigm, I prefer to honour this season by being intentional and starting to take better care of myself after the craziness of December.

For me, this month, it's about reinstating a mindful and slow morning routine. It's scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety while allowing for some precious self-care time. Basically, the earlier I wake up, the better my energy, focus and openness to creativity.

You can take inspiration from other famous early birds who loved to take advantage of this golden time. Sylvia Plath woke up at 5 am to write before tending to her two young children while Toni Morrison said: "It's not being in the light. It's being there before it arrives." Haruki Murakami, the famous 'running novelist', often admits to living on a strict schedule.

"When I'm in writing mode, I get up at 4 am and work for five to six hours. I go to bed at 9 pm. I keep to this routine every day without variation. The repetition itself becomes an important thing; it's a form of mesmerism. I mesmerise myself to reach a deeper state of mind."

Neuropsychologist Dr Jennifer Wolkin says that the positive impact of mindfulness is born from routine. "It's a slow, steady and consistent reckoning of our realities, and the ability to take a step back, become more aware, more accepting, less judgmental and less reactive."

Make your mornings

into a ritual

Routine sounds painful, but repeated habits can actually be soft and sweet. I like to reframe early mornings as a wondrous and sacred phase that allows me to access ritual and pleasure. Mornings are also a beautiful time to work with crystals and my chosen ones for this summer are moonstone and jade.

With its ethereal glow, moonstone is a stone of inner strength and personal growth, renowned for enhancing intuition and promoting inner harmony, perfectly aligning with the sweetness and tranquillity of summer.

So why not start your mornings with a beachside meditation, wearing our Genesis choker and allowing the soothing energy of the stones to guide you? Close your eyes, put your hand close to your throat chakra, and listen to your dreams take shape as the sun rises over the ocean.

Genesis - peach moonstone choker

Journalling with jade

Jade, on the other hand, is a more outward energy to work with. As a symbol of prosperity, it is a powerful companion in manifesting abundance through clear, calm feelings of being where you need to be at the time that's right for you. I often like to put my Serenity necklace on before my journaling practice.

You can also do this simple ‘morning page’ exercise. Sit down comfortably and envision yourself surrounded by lush greenery, already embodying abundance and success. As you bathe in the vibrant green hues, jot down how you’d feel in your most abundant, happy state.

Jade-inspired journalling prompts:

  • Consider the concept of balance associated with jade. In what areas of your life do you seek equilibrium? How can you create harmony between work, personal life and self-care?

  • How does the vibrant green of jade symbolise abundance in your life? Reflect on moments of richness, growth and prosperity. In what areas of your life do you wish to invite more abundance?

So let’s make 2024 the year of your dreams, not through arbitrary resolutions but through sensual play with intention, ritual and purpose.

Embracing gentle living


Crystals for empaths