Prisoners of anxiety

Navigating the stresses of life through mindful practices

Nothing can bring you peace but yourself

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do you often feel like a prisoner of anxiety?

Constantly worried, fearful, overthinking the smallest of things? That used to be me — and to some extent, that’s still me. But far less intense.

My anxiety was an ever-present undercurrent in my life — I was always on the verge of panic, short on patience, teary and overwhelmed.

With the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's so easy to let the stress take over.

If stress and worry are the symptoms, anxiety is the culmination… Many studies have shown that it’s exacerbated by uncertainty (aka volatile world and vulnerable economic system). Anxiety can create intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear, not just about stressful events but also about everyday situations. There are often physical symptoms too, like fast heart rate, muscle tension, rapid breathing, insomnia, sweating and fatigue. 

The hard truth is - some form of fear will never leave you. In fact, it’s what has kept us humans alive. Too much anxiety can be debilitating. But a normal amount is meant to help keep us safe, experts say. And a good thing is that we can, to some extent, control the stress response or prevent the terrible escalation of worry and overthinking.

For me, one way to find more peace and tranquillity in the whirlwind of everyday was through working with crystals.

Gemstones have a rich vibrational energy, which can calm the mind, soothe anxiety, and bring clarity and peace. When you wear them as jewellery, the stones are close to your energy centres, so you really feel the benefits.

I like to work with one crystal at a time, picking a necklace or a bracelet to wear for a week or more. When I put it on, I’ll say a mantra: “I am safe, I am loved”.

Best crystals to elevate your zen

Peach moonstone helps to connect with the feminine side, balances hormones and encourages self-love. Perfect for busy mums or women on the go. It is known for ‘new beginnings’ and when starting fresh, it dispels fear and stress, helping to stabilise emotions.

Howlite teaches patience in times of anxiety, anger, pain and stress. Perfect to wear when you’re feeling extra vulnerable to the external world. Howlite also balances calcium levels in the body and offers support for sleep. Great for meditation practice.

Aquamarine is a stone that offers calming and rejuvenating energy – like a soothing body of water. It also boosts courage and helps to open the channels of communication through opening the throat chakra.

Larimar, also known as the dolphin or Atlantis stone, carries the energy of the sea and the soothing vibrations of dolphins, promoting tranquillity, clear communication and emotional healing. perfect to wear during stress and change, as it softens perspective and enables challenges to be met with equanimity.

Black spinel is known for its ability to soothe and calm the mind and emotions, so it’s perfect for stress and anxiety relief. It is often used to treat addictions such as gambling and substance abuse.

Get out of your head

My other way of soothing a dysregulated nervous system is to break the stress circuit. How?

When I feel the first pangs of anxiety, I dry-brush or massage my body and then lie down to listen to this soothing yoga nidra track. It’s the best way to get out of my head and into my body. Dry skin brushing is scientifically proven to reduce stress and promote self-love! In a nutshell, it’s a self-care practice that involves gently brushing the skin with a natural bristle brush. Not only does it exfoliate the skin and improve circulation, but it can also help stimulate the lymphatic system, which plays a key role in detoxification and immune function, as well as create a sense of wellbeing and relaxation.

Another great way that always brings me back to my centre is Shakti mat — have you heard of it? It’s an acupressure
mat for the most amazing somatic release (painful at first but so good after!).

This book (Burnout: the Secret to Solving the Stress Cycle) is a fantastic resource with plenty of tips on how to stop emotional exhaustion. It is easy to read and compassionate — highly recommend!

Finally, our website has a whole section with stress-healing gemstone pieces that help you return to your centre.

By integrating some of these mindful techniques into your daily life, you can cultivate a greater sense of calm and resilience in the face of anxiety. And stress-soothing crystals will serve as a constant reminder to stay grounded and centred, no matter what challenges come your way.


Muses of Yasashi: Gonia


Women of stones and their treasures