Women of stones and their treasures

Embracing the divine feminine through mythology and jewellery

In every gemstone lies a story waiting to be told.

In every skin lies a goddess waiting to be awakened.

Goddess energy

Anything that shimmers holds a special meaning in human culture. Jewellery responds to our most innate, primal urges – for attention, control, honour and sex. It is possibly the most ancient and the most embodied of art forms, one that is defined by its connection and interaction with the body.

Throughout history, jewellery has served as a tangible expression of the divine feminine, the goddess, highlighting the qualities of beauty, fertility and strength. The necklace – the most ubiquitous of all bodily adornments – is a direct reference to the goddess energy. Its circular feature signifies the unity of the world, its cyclical nature and the loop of constant change, while the beads of precious stones or pearls represent the particular flavour of life, as well as its diversity and multiplicity.

Crystals that take you places…

Ancient goddesses and the stories of their relationship to beauty—and, similarly, decay—can teach us so much. Persephone, Ishtar or Durga show us courage and resilience in the face of adversity. Athena, Seshat or Saraswati embody the wisdom of gentleness. Other goddesses, like Aphrodite, Freyja or Venus, represent the ripeness of life manifested through passion, love, death and fertility.

From the ancient goddesses and the stories of their raw and powerful humanness, here comes our newest collection, ‘Women of Stones’, paying homage to the sacred bond between women, mythology and gemstones. 

In celebrating the divine feminine qualities embodied by these goddesses, we also honour the beauty and power of natural gemstones from around the world. Each gemstone in our collection is paired with a goddess from a different culture, representing their unique attributes and energies.

As you adorn yourself in opals, jade or howlite, remember the ancient energy it carries. Let it infuse your everyday life with more balance, strength, ritual, love and perseverance.

Check ‘Equilibrium: Women of Stones’ here.


Prisoners of anxiety


Embracing gentle living