From soothing the heart to boosting self-confidence, crystals are powerful little sparks of beauty and healing.

In a world where stress and anxiety levels are accelerating, many people seek ways to find balance and reconnect with themselves. It’s no surprise that gemstones have become a popular tool for improving emotional health and wellbeing.

Throughout history, various cultures have cherished crystals for their perceived healing abilities and metaphysical properties. The Egyptians would grind up malachite and use it as eye makeup, while the Greeks would use amethyst to ward off drunkenness. The Romans believed that wearing crystals such as quartz would protect warriors during battle.

In ancient India, Ayurvedic doctors believed that pearls calm the mind and soothe the body and they prescribed them in treatments of anxiety, depression and insomnia. Even Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, was known to use crystals such as amethyst for its healing properties.

It wasn’t until recently that the use of gemstones for their metaphysical benefits gained widespread popularity. Today, these beautiful stones can be found everywhere, from yoga studios to fashion accessories.

But why are so many people drawn to these natural wonders? Some say it’s the unique vibration and energy each crystal holds, while others are simply fascinated by their beauty. Regardless of the reason, crystals have found a stable place in our modern world, offering a sense of comfort and grounding in an increasingly chaotic world.

Gemstone profiles

Pearl is known as the queen of gems, symbolising purity and innocence. Pearls have been famous for balancing the body’s natural cycles and helping new mothers relax when giving birth or breastfeeding. They can soothe anxiety and promote relaxation. A perfect postpartum gift.

Onyx is a powerful protective stone that can help to absorb negative energy and transform it into positive energy. It is famous for inducing strength and perseverance and can help to build self-confidence and self-esteem.

Aquamarine is a calming stone that speeds up emotional healing and stress relief. Just as looking at large bodies of water - like the ocean - aquamarine can help to soothe feelings of overwhelm and promote clarity of thought and communication.

Emerald is known as the stone of successful relationships, said to promote unconditional love, compassion and harmony. It can strengthen loyalty and faithfulness.

Pink Opal is a rare (mined only in Peru) soothing stone famous for awakening spirituality, balancing emotions and connecting with the heart chakra. It is often called the heart healer. 

Jade is a powerful deep green crystal perfect for promoting balance and harmony. It is also a symbol of good fortune, welcoming physical healing and vitality.

Tiger’s eye is a grounding stone that introduces courage and strength. It can help to boost confidence and self-esteem, promoting mental clarity and focus.

Citrine is known as the ‘stone of abundance’, focused on prosperity, joy and energy. Its vibrant colour and energy encourage generosity of spirit, joyful attitude and accumulation of wealth and can help to overcome apathy and hopelessness. 

Carnelian is a stabilising crystal, perfect for anchoring in the present. It’s also considered a lucky stone, capable of boosting self-esteem, creativity, motivation, love, passion and courage, as well as helping to attract prosperity.


One of four gemstones globally recognised as 'precious' (the others being diamonds, sapphires and rubies), emeralds are made from beryl. Cleopatra was known to have a passion for emerald jewellery.

Citrine is a boost of joy and an abundance mindset.

Sapphire is a mighty gem used to boost mental clarity and focus. Dubbed a witch stone, it comforts the body while strengthening purity and wisdom. Sapphires can also help soothe anxiety and promote peace and tranquillity.

Obsidian: Obsidian is a protective, dark stone that can help to absorb negative energy and transform it into positive energy. It is said to promote emotional healing and balance and can help to release negative patterns and beliefs.

Amazonite is a soothing stone famous for treating fatigue, trauma or anything that may take energy away. It calms the brain and nervous system.

Peridot is a luscious and bright green stone believed to bring good health, restful sleep and peace to relationships. It also strengthens the energy of letting go by balancing emotions and the mind.

Moonstone is rich in Goddess energy, prismatic light and psychic protection. Known as a stone for new beginnings, it supports inner growth and strength while soothing emotional instability and reducing stress.

Howlite teaches patience in times of anxiety, anger, pain and stress. Perfect to wear when you’re feeling extra vulnerable to the external world. Howlite also balances calcium levels in the body.

 Larimar, also known as the Delphin or Atlantis Stone, is a rare and beautiful crystal found only in the Dominican Republic. This serene blue crystal is believed to carry the energy of the sea and the soothing vibrations of dolphins, promoting tranquillity, communication and emotional healing. It has effects on four of the seven main chakras: the heart, the throat, the third eye and the crown. It helps stress-related imbalances, general anxiety and panic attacks.

Wearing larimar close to the heart supports communication and emotional healing, alleviating anxiety and panic attacks.

By marrying the beauty of natural gemstones with their spiritual power, we inspire our customers to see the beauty in themselves and in the world around them.


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