The beauty of being gentle

In a world that often prizes the loud and the grand, finding our inner softness requires plenty of courage.

Yet nature all around us provides a profound illustration of the power of softness. Take a seemingly insignificant, tiny seed that emerges from the soil with a tender shoot and later grows into a mighty tree. Or the wind, though gentle, that shapes landscapes over time, eroding mountains and forming valleys.

Embrace your gentle side

Becoming soft and gentle in our daily life involves shedding the need to dominate or prove ourselves and instead embracing vulnerability and introspection. By adopting these values, we create space for growth and learning, both individually and collectively.

When we pause to reflect, we find that it is in the quiet subtleties, the gentle ripples, that true strength resides.

As Pema Chödrön writes beautifully in her book The Wisdom of No Escape: And the Path of Loving-Kindness: “The ground of discovery is ourselves. Gentleness is a sense of good-heartedness towards yourself, all of its parts.” And she is right. We are here to study, know – and finally – learn to love ourselves. Only then can we flourish, along with everything we touch – our relationships, work, everyday objects and the whole living life around us.


According to Ancient Greek philosophy, beauty was not just an aesthetic quality but also a spiritual one – a reflection of the divine and its power to uplift the soul and bring it closer to the gods. For Greeks, beauty could inspire us to reach for higher ideals and greater goodness.

Similarly, in Japanese mythology, beauty is closely linked to spirituality and the natural world. The Japanese aesthetic concept of wabi-sabi emphasises the beauty of imperfection, transience and simplicity.

At Yasashi, our jewellery is designed to be both aesthetically pleasing and spiritually meaningful, incorporating the beauty of natural gemstones with the spiritual power they possess. By embracing the ideals of gentleness, kindness and self-love, we hope to inspire our customers to see the beauty in themselves and in the world around them.


Crystal healing